Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getAbstractionDefID | ID for the abstraction definition with the given VLNV | |
getAbstractionDefVLNV | Vendor Library Name Version of the abstraction definition | |
getAbstractionDefBusTypeVLNV | Get VLNV of the bus definition | |
getAbstractionDefExtends | Vendor Library Name Version of the abstraction definition being extended | New in 1.5 |
getAbstractionDefPortIDs | List of abstraction definition port element IDs | |
getAbstractionDefPortLogicalName | Logical name of this abstraction definition port | |
getAbstractionDefPortRequiresDriver | Does this port require a driver | |
getAbstractionDefPortRequiredDriverType | Required driver type for this port | |
getAbstractionDefPortStyle | Returns 'wire' or 'transactional' to indicate the port style | |
getAbstractionDefPortIsAddress | Is this port an address port | |
getAbstractionDefPortIsData | Is this port a data port | |
getAbstractionDefPortIsClock | Is this port a clock port | |
getAbstractionDefPortIsReset | Is this port a reset port | |
getAbstractionDefPortModeID | Returns an ID for accessing the given port in the given interface mode | Invalid in 1.5 |
getAbstractionDefPortModeIDs | Returns an array of IDs for accessing the given port in the given interface mode. The array shall only contain one element if the modeValue input is master or slave. The array may contain multiple elements for modeValue system. | New in 1.5 |
getAbstractionDefPortModeGroup | Group name when present on a system interface | |
getAbstractionDefPortModeBitWidth | Bit width constraint when present on an interface of the given type | |
getAbstractionDefPortModeDirection | Port direction constraint when present on an interface of the given type | |
getAbstractionDefPortNonMirroredConstraintIDs | List of constraint IDs for a non-mirrored port | |
getAbstractionDefPortMirroredConstraintIDs | List of constraint IDs for a mirrored port | |
getAbstractionDefPortDriveConstraintIDs | List of drive constraint IDs of the port | |
getAbstractionDefPortLoadConstraintIDs | List of load constraint IDs of the port | |
getAbstractionDefPortTimingConstraintIDs | List of timing constraint IDs of the port | |
getAbstractionDefPortDefaultValue | Default value for port when not connected | |
getAbstractionDefPortModePresence | Existence requirement for this port on an interface of the given type | |
getAbstractionDefPortModeServiceIDs | AbstractionDef service IDs on a transactional port | Invalid in 1.5 |
getAbstractionDefPortModeServiceID | AbstractionDef service ID on a transactional port | New in 1.5 |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getAbstractorInstanceName | Instance name of the abstractor | |
getAbstractorInstanceVLNV | Vendor Library Name Version of the abstractor (from the design file) | |
getAbstractorInstanceAbstractorID | ID for the abstractor associated with given instance (crossing from design configuration to abstractor file) | |
getAbstractorInstanceXML | Return the abstractor XML in text format. Schema version is DE dependent. |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getAbstractorAbstractorMode | Get the mode that the abstractor can be master, slave, direct or system. | |
getAbstractorBusTypeVLNV | List of VLNV of the bus definition | |
getAbstractorAbstractorInterfaceIDs | List of 2 interface IDs | |
getAbstractorViewIDs | A list of model view IDs | Modified in 1.5 |
getAbstractorPortIDs | A list of abstractor model port IDs | |
getAbstractorModelParameterIDs | A list of model parameter IDs | |
getAbstractorGeneratorIDs | List of generator IDs of the abstractor | |
getAbstractorChoiceIDs | List of choices IDs | |
getAbstractorFileSetIDs | List of file set IDs |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getAddressSpaceRange | The address range of an address block expressed as the number of accessable and addressable units., Configurable | |
getAddressSpaceWidth | The bit width of an address block., Configurable | |
getAddressSpaceLocalMemoryMapID | The ID for the local memory map of the address space. | New in 1.5 |
getAddressSpaceSegmentIDs | List of IDs for address block segments for the address space. | New in 1.5 |
getSegmentAddressOffset | The address offset of an address space segment in an address space, Configurable | New in 1.5 |
setSegmentAddressOffset | Set the address offset of an address space segment expressed in the number addressable units. | New in 1.5 |
getSegmentRange | The address range of an address space segment expressed as the number of accessable addressable units., Configurable | New in 1.5 |
setSegmentRange | Set the address range of an address space segment expressed as the number of accessable addressable units. | New in 1.5 |
getAddressSpaceAddressUnitBits | The number bits in an addressable unit. If none exists, the default 8 bits is returned. | |
getExecutableImageIDs | The IDs of the executable images belonging to the specified address space. | |
getExecutableImageType | The type of the executable image if existent. | |
getExecutableImageLinkerCommand | The linker command for the current executable image., Configurable | |
getExecutableImageLinkerFlags | The flags of the current executable image linker command., Configurable | |
getExecutableImageLinkerCommandFileID | Element ID of linkerCommandFile associated with given executable image. | |
getExecutableImageFileBuilderIDs | List of default file builder IDs of the executable image | |
getExecutableImageFileSetIDs | The group of file set reference IDs complying with the tool set of the current executable image. | |
getLinkerCommandFileName | The name of the linker command file., Configurable | |
getLinkerCommandFileLineSwitch | The command line switch to specify with the linker command file., Configurable | |
getLinkerCommandFileEnable | Indicates whether or not to generate and enable the linker command file., Configurable | |
getLinkerCommandGeneratorIDs | Reference IDs to the generator elements for generating the linker command file. | |
getMemoryMapElementIDs | List of element IDs (addressBlockID, bankID, subspaceMapID) within a memory map, memory remap, local memory map, or bank | Modified in 1.5 |
getMemoryMapElementType | Indicates type of memory map element: addressBlock, bank or subspaceMap | |
getMemoryMapAddressUnitBits | The number bits in an addressable unit for a memory map. If none exists, the default 8 bits is returned. | |
getAddressBlockBaseAddress | The base address of an address block, Configurable | |
getAddressBlockRange | The address range of an address block expressed as the number of accessable and addressable units., Configurable | |
getAddressBlockWidth | The bit width of an address block in the local memory map., Configurable | |
getAddressBlockUsage | Indicates the usage of this address block. | |
getAddressBlockVolatility | Indicates whether or not the data is volatile. | |
getAddressBlockAccess | The accessibility of the data in the local address block. | |
getAddressBlockRegisterIDs | The IDs of the available registers in the address block. | |
getAddressBlockRegisterFileIDs | The IDs of the available register files in the address block. | New in 1.5 |
getTypeIdentifier | Indicates the type identifier of an addressBlock, registerFile, register or field. | New in 1.5 |
getBankAlignment | The bank alignment value, serial or parallel | |
getBankBaseAddress | The base address of an address bank, Configurable | |
getBankUsage | Indicates the usage of this address bank. | |
getBankVolatility | Indicates whether or not the data is volatile. | |
getBankAccess | The accessibility of the data in the local address bank. | |
getSubspaceMapMasterID | Master bus interface ID on the other side of a bus bridge . | |
getSubspaceMapSegmentID | Address space segment ID on the other side of a bus bridge . | New in 1.5 |
getSubspaceMapBaseAddress | The base address of a memory subspace, Configurable | |
getMemoryMapRemapElementIDs | List of IDs for memory map 'remap' elements of the given memory map | |
getMemoryRemapStateID | Remap State ID for which this remap is applicable | |
setAddressSpaceRange | Set the address range of an address block expressed as the number of accessable and addressable units. | |
setAddressSpaceWidth | Set the bit width of an address block. | |
setExecutableImageLinkerCommand | Set the linker command for the current executable image. | |
setExecutableImageLinkerFlags | Set the flags of the current executable image linker command. | |
setLinkerCommandFileName | Set the name of the linker command file. | |
setLinkerCommandFileLineSwitch | Set the command line switch to specify with the linker command file. | |
setLinkerCommandFileEnable | Set whether or not to generate and enable the linker command file. | |
setAddressBlockBaseAddress | Set the base address of an address block | |
setAddressBlockRange | Set the address range of an address block expressed as the number of accessable and addressable units. | |
setAddressBlockWidth | Set the bit width of an address block | |
setBankBaseAddress | Set the base address of an address bank | |
setSubspaceMapBaseAddress | Set the base address of a memory subspace |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getBusDefinitionID | ID for the bus definition with the given VLNV | |
getBusDefinitionVLNV | Vendor Library Name Version of the bus definition | |
getBusDefinitionDirectConnection | Indicates whether or not the bus definition supports direct connections | |
getBusDefinitionIsAddressable | Indicates whether or not the bus definition is an addressable bus | |
getBusDefinitionExtends | Vendor Library Name Version of the bus definition being extended | |
getBusDefinitionMaxMasters | Maximum # of masters supported by this bus definition | |
getBusDefinitionMaxSlaves | Maximum # of slaves supported by this bus definition | |
getBusDefinitionSystemGroupNames | List of system group names for this bus definition |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getBusInterfaceMasterAddressSpaceID | ID of the master addressSpace | |
getBusInterfaceMasterBaseAddress | Base address of the master addressSpace, Configurable | |
getBusInterfaceSlaveMemoryMapID | ID of the memoryMap referenced from a slave interface | |
getBusInterfaceSlaveBridgeIDs | List of slave bridge IDs | |
getBridgeMasterID | The slave interface master interface reference ID | |
getBridgeIsOpaque | Value of the opaque attribute | |
getBusInterfaceSlaveFileSetGroupIDs | List of fileSetGroup IDs | |
getBusInterfaceGroupName | Group name of a system, mirroredSystem, or monitor bus interface | |
getBusInterfaceMirroredSlaveRemapAddressIDs | List of remap address IDs of the mirrored slave interface | |
getRemapAddressValue | Remap address of the given remap address element | |
getRemapAddressRemapStateID | Remap state ID of the given remap address element | |
getBusInterfaceMirroredSlaveRange | The address range of the mirrored slave interface | |
getBusInterfaceMonitorInterfaceMode | Indicates the mode of interface being monitored, slave, master, system, mirrorslave, mirrormaster or mirrorslave | |
getBusInterfaceConnectionRequired | Connection required for this bus interface | |
getBusInterfaceBitSteering | Bit steering description of the bus interface: on or off, Configurable | |
getBusInterfaceEndianness | The endianess of the bus interface, big or little. The default is little. | |
getBusInterfaceBitsInLAU | The number bits in the least addressable unit. If none exists, the default 8 bits is returned. | |
setBusInterfaceMasterBaseAddress | Set base address of the master bus interface. | |
setRemapAddressValue | Set remap address value for the associated interface. | |
setBusInterfaceMirroredSlaveRange | Set address range for the associated interface. | |
setBusInterfaceBitSteering | Set bus interface bit steering value. |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getComponentInstanceName | Instance name of the component | |
getComponentInstanceVLNV | Vendor Library Name Version of the component (from the design file) | |
getComponentInstanceComponentID | ID for the component associated with given instance (crossing from design to component file) | |
getComponentInstanceXML | Return the component XML in text format. Schema version is DE dependent. |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getComponentVLNV | Vendor Library Name Version of the component (from the component file) | |
getComponentElementType | Returns the name of the XML element associated with the component (currently only 'component'). This call is being provided to cover a future scenario where there can be different types of component elements instantiated in a design (e.g. macroComponent elements). | |
getChannelBusInterfaceIDs | List of busInterface IDs in this channel | |
getComponentAddressSpaceIDs | List of IDs for the logical address spaces in the component. | |
getComponentRemapStateIDs | A list of remap state IDs | |
getComponentViewIDs | A list of model view IDs | |
getComponentBusInterfaceIDs | List of interface IDs | |
getComponentChannelIDs | A list of channel IDs | |
getComponentPortIDs | A list of component model port IDs | |
getComponentModelParameterIDs | A list of model parameter IDs | |
getComponentGeneratorIDs | List of generator IDs of the component | |
getComponentChoiceIDs | List of choices IDs | |
getComponentFileSetIDs | List of file set IDs | |
getComponentWhiteboxElementIDs | List of whitebox element IDs of the component | |
getComponentCpuIDs | List of cpu IDs of the component | |
getCpuAddressSpaceIDs | List of address space reference IDs of the cpu | |
getComponentOtherClockDriverIDs | List of clock driver IDs of the component | |
getComponentMemoryMapIDs | List of IDs for memory map elements in the given component |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getPortConstraintSetReferenceName | Reference name of the given port constraint set | |
getPortConstraintSetRange | List of the left and right range of a port referenced by this constraint set | |
getPortConstraintSetDriveConstraintIDs | List of drive constraint IDs of the port | |
getPortConstraintSetLoadConstraintIDs | List of load constraint IDs of the port | |
getPortConstraintSetTimingConstraintIDs | List of timing constraint IDs of the port | |
getDriveConstraintType | Indicates the type of drive constraint: function class | |
getDriveConstraintValue | Returns the drive constraint. Format depends on the constraint type. | |
getLoadConstraintType | Indicates the type of load constraint: function class | |
getLoadConstraintValue | Returns the load constraint. Format is cell function and strength or cell class and strength. | |
getLoadConstraintCount | Returns the load constraint count, the number of loads. | |
getTimingConstraintClockDetails | Indicates the clock name, clock edge, and delay type | |
getTimingConstraintValue | Returns the timing constraint value (cycle time percentage). |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getDesignID | Get ID of the current or top design | |
getDesignVLNV | Vendor Library Name Version of the design | |
getDesignComponentInstanceIDs | Components instances IDs of the given design | |
getComponentInstanceID | Return the component instance ID of the named component instance in the given design | |
getDesignInterconnectionIDs | List of interconnection element IDs | |
getInterconnectionActiveInterfaces | Returns the active interfaces as a list: componentRef interfaceRef componentRef interfaceRef | Modified in 1.5 |
getDesignInterconnectionAbstractorInstanceIDs | List of abstractor instances IDs for this interconnection | |
getDesignMonitorInterconnectionIDs | List of monitorInterconnection element IDs | |
getMonitorInterconnectionInterfaces | Returns the active interface and monitor interfaces as a list in componentPathRef, componentRef, componentInterface, monitorPathRef, monitorRef, monitorInterface format, the active interface comes first in the list. | Modified in 1.5 |
getDesignAdHocConnectionIDs | List of ad-hoc connection element IDs | |
getAdHocConnectionTiedValue | Get the tied value for an ad-hoc connection | |
getAdHocConnectionInternalPortReferenceIDs | List of internal ad-hoc port reference element IDs | |
getAdHocConnectionInternalPortReferenceDetails | List for an internal connection containing the componentRef, portRef, left, and right attribute values | |
getAdHocConnectionExternalPortReferenceIDs | List of external ad-hoc port reference element IDs | |
getAdHocConnectionExternalPortDetails | List for an external connection containing the portRef, left, and right attribute values | |
getDesignHierConnectionIDs | List of hierarchical connection element IDs | |
getHierConnectionDetails | List containing the interface name, component reference, and interface reference | |
addComponentInstance | Add new component instance. | |
removeComponentInstance | Remove specified component instance. | |
replaceComponentInstance | Replace specified component with new provided component. | |
appendAbstractorInstance | Append a new abstractor instance to the interconnection. | |
removeAbstractorInstance | Remove specified abstractor instance. | |
replaceAbstractorInstance | Replace specified abstractor with new provided abstractor. | |
addInterconnection | Add new interconnection between components. | |
removeInterconnection | Remove interconnection between components, and any abstractors if present. | |
addMonitorInterconnection | Add new interconnection between a component and monitor. If there is already a monitorInterconnection for the given componentRef/componentInterfaceRef, then the monitor connection is added to that element. | |
addHierarchicalMonitorInterconnection | Add new hierarchical interconnection between a component and monitor. If there is already a monitorInterconnection for the given componentRef/componentInterfaceRef, then the monitor connection is added to that element. | New in 1.5 |
removeMonitorInterconnection | Remove interconnection between a component and monitor. When the last monitor reference is removed, the entire monitorInterconnection element will be removed. | |
removeHierarchicalMonitorInterconnection | Remove a hierarchical interconnection between a component and monitor. When the last monitor reference is removed, the entire monitorInterconnection element will be removed. | New in 1.5 |
addHierConnection | Add new hierarchical connection. | |
removeHierConnection | Remove existing hierarchical connection. | |
addAdHocConnection | Add new ad-hoc connection. | |
addAdHocInternalPortReference | Add an internal port reference to an existing ad-hoc connection. An identical port reference must not already exist in the ad-hoc connection. | |
addAdHocExternalPortReference | Add an external port reference to an existing ad-hoc connection. | |
removeAdHocInternalPortReference | Remove an internal port from existing ad-hoc connection. The ad-hoc connection is removed when the last port reference is removed. | |
removeAdHocExternalPortReference | Remove an external port reference from existing ad-hoc connection. |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getRegisterFieldBitOffset | Bit offset of the fields LSB inside the register. | |
getRegisterFieldBitWidth | Width of the field in bits., Configurable | |
setRegisterFieldBitWidth | Set the width of the field in bits., Configurable | |
getRegisterFieldVolatility | Indicates whether or not the data is volatile. The presumed value is 'false' if the element is not present. | Modified in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldAccess | The accessibility of the data in the field. | |
getRegisterFieldValueIDs | List of IDs for field values for the given register field. | |
getRegisterFieldValueUsage | Enumerated bit field usage. | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldValue | Enumerated bit field value. | |
getRegisterFieldValueName | Enumerated name for this register field value. Deprecated - use getName. | |
getRegisterFieldModifiedWriteValue | The modified write value for the field | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldWriteValueConstraintWriteAsRead | The write value constraint is write as read. | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldWriteValueConstraintUseEnumeratedValues | The write value constraint shall use the enumerated values. | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldWriteValueConstraintMinMax | The value of a write constraint. | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldReadAction | The read action for the field | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldTestable | True if the field can be tested with a simple register test. | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldTestConstraint | The test constraint required if the field can be tested with a simple register test. | New in 1.5 |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getFileSetGroupName | Name of file set group | |
getFileSetGroupFileSetIDs | List of file set IDs in this file set group | |
getFileName | Get name of the given fileID., Configurable | |
getFileBuilderFileType | FileType or userFileType of the file builder | |
getFileBuilderCommand | Command of the file builder, Configurable | |
getFileBuilderFlags | Flags of the file builder, Configurable | |
getFileBuilderReplaceDefaultFlags | Value of the replaceDefaultFlags element of the file builder, Configurable | |
getFileSetGroups | List of group names of the file set | |
getFileSetFileIDs | List of file IDs of the file set | |
getFileType | FileType or userFileType of the file | |
getFileIsIncludeFile | Indicates that the given file is an include file | |
getFileHasExternalDeclarations | Indicates that the file includes external declarations required by the top-level netlist file | |
getFileLogicalName | Logical name of the file | |
getFileLogicalNameDefault | Default attribute of logical name of the file | |
getFileExportedNames | List of exported names of the file | |
getFileBuildCommandName | Name of the build command of the file, Configurable | |
getFileBuildCommandFlags | Flags of the file build command, Configurable | |
getFileBuildCommandFlagsIsAppend | Value of append attribute on the flag element | |
getFileBuildCommandReplaceDefaultFlags | Indicates whether or not to replace default flags, Configurable | |
getFileBuildCommandTargetName | Target name of the file build command, Configurable | |
getFileDependencies | List of dependent locations for the file, typically directories | |
getFileDefineSymbolIDs | List of define symbol IDs used in the file | |
getFileImageTypes | List of image types of the file | |
getFileSetFileBuilderIDs | List of file builder IDs used for this fileSet | |
getFileSetDependencies | List of dependent locations for the fileSet, typically directories | |
getFileSetFunctionIDs | List of function IDs | |
getFunctionReplicate | Value of replicate attribute on function element | |
getFunctionEntryPoint | Entry point of the function | |
getFunctionFileID | File ID containing the function entry point | |
getFunctionReturnType | Return type of the function | |
getFunctionArgumentIDs | List of argument IDs of the function of the file set | |
getFunctionArgumentDataType | Data type of the argument | |
getFunctionDisabled | Indicates whether or not the function is disabled, Configurable | |
getFunctionSourceFileIDs | List of source file IDs of the function of the file set | |
getFunctionSourceFileName | Name of the source file | |
getFunctionSourceFileType | FileType or userFileType of the source file | |
setFileName | Set name of the given file. | |
setFileBuildCommandName | Set command name for the given file builder. | |
setFileBuildCommandFlags | Set command flags for the given file builder. | |
setFileBuildCommandReplaceDefaultFlags | Set replace default flags for the given file builder. | |
setFileBuildCommandTargetName | Set target name for build command for the given file | |
setFileBuilderCommand | Set command associated with file builder. | |
setFileBuilderFlags | Set flags associated with the given file builder. | |
setFileBuilderReplaceDefaultFlags | Set value of replace default flags in file builder. | |
setFunctionDisabled | Set disable flag on function. |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getGeneratorScope | Scope of the generator | |
getGeneratorIsHidden | Value of hidden attribute on the generator | |
getGeneratorPhase | Phase number of the generator | |
getGeneratorApiType | Api type of the generator | |
getGeneratorExecutable | Executable name associated with the generator | |
getGeneratorGroups | List of group names of the generator | |
getGeneratorTransportMethods | List of transport methods of the generator |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getInterfaceBusTypeVLNV | List of VLNV of the bus definition | |
getInterfaceAbstractionTypeVLNV | List of VLNV of the abstraction definition | |
getInterfaceMode | Mode of the interface: master, slave, system, mirroredMaster, mirroredSlave, mirroredSystem or monitor | |
getInterfacePortMapIDs | List of interface port map IDs | |
getLogicalPhysicalMapIDs | List of the logical and physical port map IDs | |
getPortMapRange | List of left and right range of the port map, Configurable | |
setPortMapRange | Set left/right range of an interface port map. |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getVendorExtensions | Returns the complete XML text of the vendor extension element including the spirit:vendorExtension tag, as a well formed XML document. | |
getVendorAttribute | Get vendor defined attribute from the given element | |
getParameterIDs | List of parameter IDs from the given element (any which contains spirit:parameter elements) | |
getValue | Get the value of a parameterID, fileDefineIDs or argumentIDs., Configurable | |
getValueAttribute | Returns the value of the given attribute name on the elementID/value element | |
getModelParameterDataType | Data type of the model parameter | |
getModelParameterUsageType | Usage type of the model parameter | |
getIdValue | Return the value of the spirit:id attribute on a ID | New in 1.5 |
getName | Return the name of the specified element | Modified in 1.5 |
getDescription | Return the description of the specified element | Modified in 1.5 |
getDisplayName | Return the displayName of the specified element | Modified in 1.5 |
getUnconfiguredID | Return the unconfigured ID from a configured ID | New in 1.5 |
getChoiceName | Name of the choice | |
getChoiceEnumerationIDs | List of choice enumeration IDs of the choice | |
getChoiceEnumerationValue | Value of the enumeration element | |
getChoiceEnumerationText | Value of the enumeration text attribute | |
getChoiceEnumerationHelp | Value of the enumeration help attribute | |
registerVLNV | Indicate to DE where the file resides for the IP-XACT element with the given VLNV. | |
getXMLForVLNV | Return XML of the IP-XACT object identified by the given VLNV. | |
getGeneratorContextComponentInstanceID | ID for the component instance associated with the currently invoked generator | |
init | API initialization function. Must be called before any other API call. | |
message | Send message level and message text to Design Environment. | |
getErrorMessage | Get error message from prior callback. | |
getWarningCount | Return count of how many potentially incompatible API calls have been made. | |
end | Terminate connection to the Design Environment. | |
setVendorExtensions | Set vendor extensions. NOTE: This call is only supported for elements within a spirit:design. | |
setVendorAttribute | Set vendor defined attribute on the given element | |
setValue | Set the value of a parameterID, fileDefineIDs or argumentIDs. |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getPortStyle | Returns 'wire' or 'transactional' to indicate the port style | |
getAllLogicalDirectionsAllowed | Get the value of the allLogicalDirectionAllowed attribute | New in 1.5 |
getPortDirection | Direction of the port | |
getPortRange | List of the left and right range of the port | |
getPortWireTypeDefIDs | List of typeDefs for a wire portID | New in 1.5 |
getPortTransactionalTypeDefID | The type definition for a transactional portID | New in 1.5 |
getPortServiceID | ID of element representing the service of a transactional port | |
getPortAccessType | Indicates the access type for this port | Modified in 1.5 |
getPortAccessHandle | Alternate name to be used when accessing this port | Modified in 1.5 |
getPortMaxAllowedConnections | Max allowed connections for this transactional port | |
getPortMinAllowedConnections | Min allowed connections for this transactional port | |
getPortDefaultValue | Default value of the port, if not set returns "", Configurable | |
getPortClockDriverID | Element ID of clock driver element, if present | |
getClockDriverPeriod | Clock period of the given clock, Configurable | |
getClockDriverPeriodUnits | Units of the clock period of the given clock | New in 1.5 |
getClockDriverPulseOffset | Clock pulse offset of the given clock, Configurable | |
getClockDriverPulseOffsetUnits | Units of the clock pulse offset of the given clock | New in 1.5 |
getClockDriverPulseValue | Clock pulse value of the given clock, Configurable | |
getClockDriverPulseDuration | Clock period of the given clock, Configurable | |
getClockDriverPulseDurationUnits | Units of the clock pulse duration of the given clock | New in 1.5 |
getClockDriverName | Name of the clock driver | |
getClockDriverSource | Source name of the clock driver | |
getPortSingleShotDriverID | Element ID of single shot driver element, if present | |
getPortSingleShotPulseOffset | Clock pulse offset of the port, Configurable | |
getPortSingleShotPulseValue | Clock pulse value of the port, Configurable | |
getPortSingleShotPulseDuration | Clock period of the port, Configurable | |
getPortConstraintSetIDs | List of constraint sets IDs of the port | |
setPortRange | Set left/right range for the given port. | |
setPortDefaultValue | Set default value of the given port. | |
setClockDriverPeriod | Set period of the given clock port. | |
setClockDriverPulseOffset | Set pulse offset value of the given clock port. | |
setClockDriverPulseValue | Set pulse value of the given clock port. | |
setClockDriverPulseDuration | Set pulse duration of the given clock port. | |
setPortSingleShotPulseOffset | Set pulse offset of given single shot port. | |
setPortSingleShotPulseValue | Set pulse value of given single shot port. | |
setPortSingleShotPulseDuration | Set pulse duration of given single shot port. |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getRegisterFileDimensions | Dimensions of a register file array. | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFileAddressOffset | The offset from the base address. | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFileRange | The register file range in number of addressable units., Configurable | New in 1.5 |
setRegisterFileRange | Set the register file range in addressable units., Configurable | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFileRegisterIDs | List of IDs for the registers of the given register file | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterFileRegisterFileIDs | List of IDs for the register files of the given register file | New in 1.5 |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getRegisterDimensions | Dimensions of a register array. | |
getRegisterAddressOffset | The offset from the base address. | |
getRegisterAlternateRegisterIDs | List of IDs for the alternate registers of the given register | New in 1.5 |
getRegisterAccess | The accessibility of the data in the register | |
getRegisterSize | The register size in bits., Configurable | |
setRegisterSize | Set the register size in bits., Configurable | |
getRegisterVolatility | Indicates whether or not the data is volatile. | Modified in 1.5 |
getRegisterResetValue | Register value at reset., Configurable | Modified in 1.5 |
setRegisterResetValue | Set register value at reset., Configurable | Modified in 1.5 |
getRegisterResetMask | Mask to be ANDed with the value before comparing to reset value., Configurable | Modified in 1.5 |
setRegisterResetMask | Set the mask to be ANDed with the value before comparing to reset value., Configurable | Modified in 1.5 |
getRegisterFieldIDs | List of IDs for the fields of the given register | Modified in 1.5 |
getRegisterAlternateGroups | Indicates the group names for an alternate register. | New in 1.5 |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getRemapStatePortIDs | List of remap port IDs of a remap state | |
getRemapStatePortPortID | Port ID for the remap state | |
getRemapStatePortPortIndex | Index of the port if a vector for the remap state | |
getRemapStatePortPortValue | Value of the port for the remap state |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getAbstractionDefServiceInitiative | Port service initiative from the abstraction definition | |
getAbstractionDefServiceIDs | List of typeDefs for an abstractionServiceID | Invalid in 1.5 |
getAbstractionDefAbstractionServiceTypeDefIDs | List of type definitions for an abstractionServiceID | New in 1.5 |
getServiceInitiative | Initiative of the service | |
getServiceTypeDefIDs | List of typeDefs for a serviceID | Modified in 1.5 |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getTypeDefTypeName | Name of the type | Modified in 1.5 |
getTypeDefConstrained | Is the type name constrained | Modified in 1.5 |
getTypeDefImplicit | Is the type name implicit | Modified in 1.5 |
getTypeDefTypeDefinitions | List of type definition for the given type | Modified in 1.5 |
getTypeDefTypeViewIDs | List of type viewIDs for the given type | Modified in 1.5 |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getViewDesignID | ID of the design associated with a hierarchical view | |
getViewEnvIdentifiers | List of environment identifiers of the view | |
getViewLanguage | View Language | |
getViewLanguageIsStrict | Value of 'strict' attribute on view language element | |
getViewModelName | Get the model name for this view | |
getViewDefaultFileBuilderIDs | List of default file builder IDs of the view | |
getViewFileSetIDs | List of fileSet IDs for fileSets referenced by the view | |
getViewPortConstraintSetIDs | Constraint set ID for the port referenced by the view | Modified in 1.5 |
getViewWhiteboxElementRefIDs | List of whitebox element reference IDs of the view |
Name | Description | Compatability Restrictions |
getWhiteboxElementRefID | White box element reference ID | |
getWhiteboxRefPathIDs | List of path IDs of the white box element reference | |
getWhiteboxRefPathName | Name of the whitebox reference path element | |
getWhiteboxRefPathRange | List of left and right range of the whitebox reference path element | |
getWhiteboxElementType | Type of the whitebox element | |
getWhiteboxElementDrivable | Indicates whether or not the whitebox element is drivable | |
getWhiteboxElementRegisterID | Register reference ID of the whitebox element | Invalid in 1.5 |
getWhiteboxElementRegisterIDs | Register reference IDs of the whitebox element | New in 1.5 |
Abstraction Definition Operations |
Abstractor Instance Operations |
Abstractor Operations |
Address Map Operations |
Bus Definition Operations |
Bus Interface Operations |
Component Instance Operations |
Component Operations |
Constraint Operations |
Design Operations |
Field Operations |
File and Fileset Operations |
Generator Operations |
Interface Operations |
Miscellaneous Operations |
Port Operations |
Register File Operations |
Register Operations |
Remap Operations |
Service Operations |
TypeDef Operations |
View Operations |
Whitebox Operations |
All ID Types |
Each item is a link to a function call that can return this type of ID. If there is more than one function then the return variable will be a link to the second function in the list, and so on. The last function in the list will be a BOLD link and will return to the first function.
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